Best Of The Web
Together Into
One Package

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Q: How do I get Started?

A: Getting started is really very easy. All you need to do is click on the “Sign Up” link and pick a plan and fill out the form and you’re on your way to a beautiful and affordable website package

Q: Is there any “Upfront” cost?

A: That’s the beauty of this plan, because there’s no upfront cost when you sign up and no contract to fuss with. When you start with us we only ask for first and last payment to start and you’re good to go on a monthly pay as you go plan to own your website spread out over time

Q: Do you limit the pages allowed?

A: There is no limit on pages because your website maintenance package covers that because as you add new stuff to your website such as text, pictures, video, etc. it will naturally grow larger

Q: How long Does it take to go live?

A: It takes approximately a week or two to design the site and about a week or two to build it

Q: What about updating my website content?

A: We have a “Request Work” ticket system that is basically an internal email system for placing your work request for updating your website. And we are always available live if you need help

Q: How do I get on Google, Yahoo, etc?

A: That’s easy! All you need to do is give us the keywords & town in your area that you want to use and we will take care of the rest of the details that are necessary to get you on the first page of all the search engines for your area (we are effective on 70% of the keywords in first 90 days)

Q: What do I get with my print design?

A: The packages vary based on the plan you pick. Look at our package plans on the “Sign Up” page

Q: Where do I go to print my designs?

A: We set up your print design artwork so that you can use a local printer and save money printing. If your printer has any special design layout needs, we are able to accommodate his requirements.

Q: Can I add video to my website?

A: Yes, but we recommend that you keep each video down below 3 or 4 minutes to be more effective and keep the attention of the viewers on your message

Q: What if I need to talk to someone?

A: That’s a not a problem because we are always available live by phone at 1-800-380-6942

Q: How long does it take to launch my website?

A: Typically, it takes 8-10 days to finalize the website design and another 14-20 days to build the website, depending on how many pages and content you have.

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